Płace ofert pracy w zachodniopomorskie

1-25 z 41 ofert pracy

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  • Szczecin  11
  • Goleniów  1
  • Rewal  1
  • Świnoujście  1
  • Zachodniopomorskie  41
  • Inżynier  19
  • Programista .net  3
  • HR Specialist  2
  • Dyrektor  1
  • Elektryk  1
  • Java Developer  1
  • Kierownik Regionalny  1
  • Konsultant Telefoniczny  1
  • Manager  1
  • Mechanik Maszyn Rolniczych  1
  • sii  1
Forma zatrudnienia
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  • Praca stała  2
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  • Tymczasowa  1
Godziny pracy
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  • Pełny etat  4
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  • 1+
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  • 5+
Wynagrodzenie roczne
Data publikacji
  • Ostatnia doba  0
  • Ostatni tydzień  13
  • Konsultant Wdrożeniowy Comarch XL/Optima. Księgowość i...

    www.TeamQuest.pl Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie  +1 Lokalizacja

    ...wilekopolskie, lubuskie, opolskie, łódzkie). Kogo szukamy? Obecnie poszukujemy Konsultanta Wdrożeniowego Comarch XL/Optima (Księgowość i Kadry/Płace...
    23 dni temu w jobdesk.pl

  • Specjalista/inspektor ds. płac

    Centralna Baza Ofert Pracy Świnoujście, Zachodniopomorskie

    Numer oferty: StPr/25/0083Obowiązki: Prowadzenie dokumentacji płacowej w systemie elektronicznym PŁACE VULCAN, naliczanie dla pracowników jednostek...
    5 dni temu w InfoPraca

  • Sas developer

    sii Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie  +10 lokalizacji

    ...Place to Work since 2015. It’s thanks to feedback from our workers that we get this special title and constantly implement new ideasEmployment stability...
    4 dni temu w jobs.search

  • Java Developer

    nowe Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...Place to Work Solid financial situation Contracts with the biggest brands Centre of internal trainings Many experts you can learn from Open and accessible...
    1 dzień temu w Jobleads

  • Java Networking Engineer (Senior) ID24690

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    5 dni temu w Jobleads

  • AQA Engineer (Senior) ID28953

    nowe Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    1 dzień temu w Jobleads

  • Java Migrations Engineer (Middle) ID30532

    nowe Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    1 dzień temu w Jobleads

  • Pracownik administracyjno - biurowy (do działu kadr)

    Fructus Goleniów, Zachodniopomorskie

    Pracownik administracyjno. Biurowy (do działu kadr) Twój zakres obowiązków Rozliczanie kierowców (płace, paliwo, wydatki) Kompletowanie oraz wysyłka...
    30+ dni temu w gowork.pl

  • Software. Net Developer

    www.TeamQuest.pl Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie  +9 lokalizacji

    ...environment. If you are passionate about the latest technologies and want to have a real impact on the future of the automotive industry, this is the place...
    26 dni temu w jobdesk.pl

  • Java Migrations Engineer (Middle) ID30532

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    3 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Java Migrations Engineer (Senior) ID30532

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    3 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Python Engineer (Middle) ID29578

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    3 dni temu w Jobleads

  • AQA Mobile Engineer (Senior) ID22336

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    6 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Service Turbine Technician

    Flex Wind Poland Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...place in Finland and Sweden Individual approach Professional learning environment Opportunity to shape your working environment Career development...
    30+ dni temu w gowork.pl

  • QA Engineer (Frontend Focus)

    Squiz Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...in one place. To get the most out of the platform, customers can collaborate with our digital experts to design solutions and adapt as demands change. We are
    29 dni temu w workable.com

  • Lead Engineering Manager ID28448

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    4 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Manufacturing Quality Control Engineer

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    3Shape: An exciting, visionary, and international place to work Join one of the most exciting Danish tech companies in the medical device industry and make...
    30+ dni temu w Jobleads

  • Supplier Quality Engineer - Machining

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    3Shape: An exciting, visionary, and international place to work Join one of the most exciting Danish tech companies in the medical device industry and make...
    21 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Supplier Quality Engineer - Machining Production & Supply Ch

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    3Shape: An exciting, visionary, and international place to work Join one of the most exciting Danish tech companies in the medical device industry and make...
    30+ dni temu w Jobleads

  • Electrical & Electronic Engineer

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...To Work oraz Great Place To Work dla Millenialsów. Jesteśmy Rzecznikiem Standardu Etyki. Jesteśmy tytułowanym Pracodawcą Pomorza Zachodniego. J-18808-Ljbffr
    30+ dni temu w Jobleads

  • Software Architect

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...Place to Work for Millennials We are an Ethical Standard Setter We are an awarded Employer of Western Pomerania Sail through the challenges of today and...
    18 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Legal Counsel (Senior) ID28106

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    11 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Java Networking Engineer (Senior) ID24690

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    8 dni temu w Jobleads

  • NET Engineer (Senior) ID28449

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    10 dni temu w Jobleads

  • Java Engineer (Middle) ID28812

    Stettin, Zachodniopomorskie

    ...If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment every day, there’s no better place...
    20 dni temu w Jobleads


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Płace ofert pracy w zachodniopomorskie

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